Exercise is a lot more than an energy booster and a stress reliever. It also strengthens your heart muscle, lowers your blood pressure and blood cholesterol, and burns calories.
Learn what to expect as you recover in the weeks after your endoscopic sinus surgery.
Your health care provider did a laparoscopic procedure to treat your ectopic pregnancy. Here are some instructions for caring for yourself when you are at home.
Alice struggled with bulimia for 38 years, unknowingly passing it to her daughters. After one daughter gave her an ultimatum to either get help or never see her again, she decided it was time to get well. This is her story...
This helpful article and diagram explain how all the parts of the ear work together.
Learn how to do a biceps curl to help stretch and strengthen your arms.
Exercise is a common trigger for many people with asthma. This is called exercise-induced bronchoconstriction or EIB. But living with EIB doesn't mean you need to give up exercise.
It's every parent's nightmare to rush to the emergency room, but it's bound to happen at some point. Kristen Silton explains how she stayed calm by focusing on her baby.
Learn how to do these exercises to stretch and strengthen your neck muscles.
The abdominal lift exercise helps makes your core muscles stronger.
Learn this exercise called arm reach or "the bird dog" to help strengthen your core muscles.
These three exercises are done on the floor.
These back exercises are done on your hands and knees.
Try the back release exercise to help strengthen your back muscles.
Learn how to do a knee lift to help strengthen your core muscles.
Use this leg pull exercise to help relieve low back pain.
Learn how to do a leg reach exercise to improve your back health.
These exercises work your lower back, buttocks, and hips.
Try this exercise to stretch your lower back.
Learn how to do this back exercise called a partial curl up.
Learn more about your child's health