After coronary bypass surgery, it's important to take an active role in your recovery.
Use this chart to help you with your exercise instructions.
Are you a parent of a child with asthma? Take this quiz and stop feeling guilty.
Before surgery, tests will be done to check your health. You will be watched and kept as comfortable as possible throughout surgery and recovery. After surgery, you may stay in the hospital for one or several days.
A pediatrician, family practice healthcare provider, physician's assistant, family nurse practitioner, or pediatric nurse practitioner can be your baby's primary care provider. The medical specialty dealing with children is called pediatrics.
Everyone feels sad or "blue" from time to time for a few days or weeks. Depression is when these feelings don't go away and they interfere with daily life. Depression is a real illness.
The NG tube will give you food, fluids, and medicine. Read on for helpful information about when to call your provider.
Work, school, or even a late-night movie can need you to be away from your baby. This doesn't mean you have to give up breastfeeding.
Your child is going home with a gastrostomy tube (G-tube) or gastro-jejunum tube (G-J tube) in place. This sheet can help you remember how to flush your child's tube when you and your child are at home.
Your child is going home with either a G-tube or a G-J tube in place. This sheet will help you remember the steps to take for feeding your child through this tube at home.
A hysterectomy is an operation to remove the uterus. It can relieve such symptoms as severe pain and bleeding. If you have cancer, it may save your life.
If you recently had a heart attack or heart surgery, you may be worried about your love life. This is normal during an illness. But know that you can still enjoy sex. Here is information that can help you understand your feelings. It can also help you work with your partner to rebuild intimacy and enjoy sex again.
A look at the tests that can help your healthcare provider find out if you have a stone, why it formed, and advise treatment.
Many breast cancer patients develop lymphedema and must learn to manage it even after they've finished their cancer treatment. Physical therapist Elizabeth Frierson, DPT, OCS, CLT explains how lymphedema is treated.
Learn details about this procedure, which is done to help ease back or neck pain caused by problems with certain nerves near your spine.
The weight you gain now is not just extra fat. It is also the weight of your baby. And it is the increased blood and fluids to support the baby.
Spinal cord stimulation uses a medical device to send signals to the nerve pathways inside your spinal cord. These signals help block chronic pain. Here's what to expect from this procedure.
Learn more about your child's health