5 Simple Tips for Keeping Germs Away from a Medical Momma
- Category: General Health, Living Well, Parenting
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Extra precautions for germ prevention are a part of my regular routine, raising a child who is medically complex. With the recent COVID 19 pandemic, I thought it would be a good time to share some of the simple, but useful steps we take as a family to prevent the spread of germs in our household. In no particular order, here are some easy ways to keep germs away:
Hand Washing
This may seem like it goes without saying, but you’d be surprised how many more times a day you should be washing your hands. Scrub up to your elbows, underneath your fingernails, and in between your fingers for at least 30 seconds after touching your face, blowing your nose, eating, using the restroom, changing diapers, before cooking, after touching raw meat, and upon entering your home.
Clean and disinfect the surfaces of your home regularly
If you’re low on cleaning solution, and can’t get any in store or online at this time, try a vinegar and water solution. Wipe down door handles, faucets, counters, and any toys your children frequently touch or put in their mouths.
Change your clothes after being out in public
If you are a medical professional, and are spending your time around potential vectors, consider having a changing tent in your backyard with a hamper for your scrubs or hospital clothes, and a station for washing up before entering your home. Even if you’ve just headed out to the grocery store, consider changing your clothes before sharing contact with your family members or sitting on your couch or bed.
Remove your shoes before entering your home
In general, this is a good idea -- especially when you have kids who are crawling or scooting on your floors, but especially now when you’re trying to keep your home as germ free as possible.
Disinfect stroller and/ or wheelchair wheels
We keep a bottle of Lysol spray by the front door and spray down stroller and wheelchair handles and wheels upon entering our home. What would you add to this list? Comment with your tips below.Cristina Perez is mother, and member of the Children’s Hospital Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC), and a firm believer that while life is complicated, that is what makes it beautiful. A born and raised New Orleanian and fierce disability advocate, Cristina is a singer, activist, writer and mother to three-year-old “Oskie" — her son with a rare disease. With a mission of giving a louder voice to mothers of children with disabilities and rare diseases, Cristina creates original music inspired by untraditional motherhood, positivity and inclusivity for all. Her latest single, “Lessons I’ve Learned” was released in 2019, as an uplifting anthem for mothers to turn to when things get tough – a motivation to remain strong despite what life throws at you. Currently splitting her time between New Orleans and Washington, D.C., Cristina has had the honor of advocating for disability rights on a national level, attending and speaking at various Congressional Press Conferences on Capitol Hill. Cristina also authors a popular blog called “It’s Not Too Complicated,” where she breaks down the trials and tribulations of medically complex motherhood, marriage and everyday life while using her voice to promote rare disease awareness. Learn more about the Children’s Hospital PFAC.