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Behavioral Health Center

Behavioral Care and More

Manning Family Children's Behavioral Health Center understands the importance of treating the whole child. Our behavioral care specialists currently offer a range of services to improve emotional and mental well-being, including inpatient and outpatient support. Expert behavioral care is provided by our highly skilled professionals who are dedicated to improving the lives of our children and adolescent patients and their families.

Manning Family Children's Behavioral Health Center is part of our main campus and located at 210 State Street. Our Center offers outpatient and inpatient treatment specifically designed to meet the needs of children ages 7 to 18 years. When kids struggle with mental health issues, it can take over their lives. The Behavioral Health Center at Manning Family Children's provides the resources and expertise needed to help children and adolescents throughout the Gulf South get their lives back, so they can get back to being kids again.

Check out what's inside our behavioral health center.

Treatment for psychiatric and emotional disorders

Patients are treated in a safe and carefully structured environment by a multidisciplinary team comprised of:

  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists
  • Pediatricians
  • Psychiatric Nurses
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Certified Recreational Therapists
  • Mental Health Technicians

Our services

The goals of treatment are not only to address and improve a patient’s acute psychiatric symptoms, but to also provide patients with core skills and resources to assist with their ongoing health and well-being following discharge. Expert diagnostic evaluations and treatments including specialized workbooks, medications, therapeutic interventions and educational resources are provided in a nurturing and supportive atmosphere. The team at Manning Family Children's strives to collaborate on all levels with patients, their families and outpatient resources to achieve positive outcomes.


For admittance to the Behavioral Health Center, medical clearance is required at either the Manning Family Children's Emergency Department or the nearest available emergency room. When referring a patient to the Manning Family Children's Emergency Department, please call the Transfer Center at 504.896.6673 or (1.855.246.6521).